Bi-Monthly Astrominute now on WZBT and Blog

We have started a twice-monthly radio segment called the Astrominute. Written by planetarium director Ian Clarke and recorded by student workers Caitlin Hay and Anne Skrabak, it is now airing on the Gettysburg College radio station, 91.1 FM, WZBT . The current times (subject to change!) will be roughly MWF: 7:30 AM; TR: 8:30 AM; Sat: 9:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Sun: 9:30 & 7:30.  It will always play following a station ID. The evening times may be preempted by live DJ broadcasts. New segments will appear around the 1st and 15th of the month. In addition to listening on air, you can stream WZBT online. We will also be posting mp3s of the segments as we create them. Astrominute posts will be tagged “astrominute” and “podcast” for handy searching.
Here are the first two segments: 

Sept. 1-14

Sept. 15-30 
